What is the

Fonte is an endowment unlike any other you know. We don't spend the money we receive, we invest it. And everything this money earns, we donate!
Be part of the change.

When you donate to any project:

  • Conventional Donation:
  • - You make a generous donation to a project you support;
    - The money delivered eventually runs out;
    - The project will probably depend on new donations to continue.

  • ith
  • - You make a donation to a supported project, but before it is delivered it is strategically invested;
    - The profit generated by the investment is delivered to the project, but the principal remains invested, creating a frequent source of resources;
    - This means that, even if you make just a single donation, you will be constantly supporting the project, ensuring its long-term sustainability.

    *This is only possible because at Fonte Endowment we invest the money before donating it.

    Humanitarian Causes

    Even when the State does not act, we can act.


    Equipping today's generation is the certainty of a strong harvest tomorrow.

    Evangelism and Missions

    We are not restricted to specific geographic spaces. The Kingdom of Gods does not divide, it multiplies.

    Kingdom Culture

    The Kingdom of Gods is of minds and hearts. It reaches the whole man and all spheres of life.


    How it works?


    You make a donation to theor a supported project.


    All donations made are invested to generate profit.


    These profits go to projects supported by the


    Even if you make a single donation, it can sustain a project for a long time.

    Change of reality

    Your donation helps not only to satisfy someone's hunger, but to change people's reality.

    Recurring Donation

    Every month you have the opportunity to make a difference.

    You are the answer

    Every donation is a new chance to change a life!

    Donate now!


    Unite resources with God’s vision.
    We believe that resources follow vision and that vision is revealed by God. That's why we don't want to create projects, but to finance the projects that God has already called his children to carry out. where there is vision, people prosper.
    Proverbs 29:18


    To be the largest financier of missionary projects in Latin America. We believe that whoever is faithful in little will be placed over much, which is why we want to be an example of stewardship.
    Matthew 25,23; Colossians 3:23-24


    We believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ as narrated in the Holy Bible.
    2Timothy 3:16-17; 2Peter 1:20-21


    We believe that true religion is helping orphans and widows in their needs, so we want to spread the gospel and serve tables.
    Mc 16,15; Mt 24,14; 2Tm 4,2; Tg 1; Rm 14,17; Mt 20,28


    We believe in partnerships. That's why we will establish alliances with different Christian organizations so that as many people as possible can be reached by the gospel. Gl 3,28; Cl 3,11; 1Co 9,22


    Supported Projects

    Projeto AME

    There's always a second chance

    Projeto JMA

    Justice and Mercy

    Projeto Realizando sonhos

    come dream with us

    Projeto CAJU

    Justice Oaks


    Our team

    Paulo Oliveira

    President of the Bolsa OTC Brasil

    Hugo Giallanza

    President of the Brasil Startups

    Evandro Besa

    Founder of Lever

    Dongley Martins

    President of Conselho da Crossover Brasil

    Breno Vieitas

    Group founder Povos e Línguas

    Thiago Aguiar

    Auditor of Tribunal de Contas da União

    Antônio Cabrera

    President of Grupo Cabrera

    Eustaquelino Melo

    Institute Leader Tela in Brasília.

    Eduardo Correa

    Executive Director of Icatu Seguros.

    Ask your questions about the

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Ask your questions click here!


    Contact us


    Edifício Parque Cidade Corporate, Torre C, sala 604.